CodeTwo CatMan


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CodeTwo CatMan allows sharing of Outlook categories with other users on the local network and manage them in an easy way. Installing CodeTwo CatMan on machines on the local network and using a shared configuration file, one can very easily create a mechanism for centralized management of shared Outlook categories in the network.

If you are looking for software to share data between Outlook clients on the local network, read about CodeTwo Public Folders.

The program introduces the term of public and private categories. Public categories are defined in an external configuration file and are common to all users on the network. Private categories are the categories added in Outlook locally by a user and they are only visible for that user. On the list of categories a user can see both his own private categories and the public categories. All the time the Outlook client is open, the program monitors the public categories file. When one of the public categories is added, deleted or modified, the list of Outlook categories is updated respectively.

The program features a category editor in which the user can conveniently edit private and public categories. The administrator can define which users can modify them by setting write access rights to the file containing public categories.

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