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There’s nothing more frustrating than rummaging through a cluttered Inbox full of email messages when you�re looking for specific information. It’s easy to let messages pile up in your Inbox and eventually it becomes unmanageable because you don’t want to go through each message individually and make a decision on whether to delete it or to leave it alone.

One of the best things to do to reduce Inbox clutter is after reading a message, either delete it or move it. Leave it in your Inbox only if it needs action. It is also recommended that users create subfolders to file messages by topic or user. This seems like an easy process to follow, but it often becomes a very difficult thing to keep up with.

Pergenex Software comes to the rescue by Auto-Mating your folders! Auto-Mate Add-in for Microsoft® Outlook® can automatically file and delete your mail for you.

Imagine starting Outlook® with an empty Inbox every morning! Auto-Mate is your personal assistant to help you get and stay organized and be productive.

Key Benefits

  • Auto-Mate Rules run at periodic intervals during the day. Set actions to occur after messages are older than 15 minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months. You can also choose to act on them immediately as they are received or sent.
  • Auto-Mate can file your mail for you automatically while you focus on more important tasks.
  • Spend less time managing email messages. Auto-Mate will help you get organized quickly.
  • Auto-Mate can clean up after yourself and automatically delete email, it’s like having a personal assistant.
  • Start Outlook® with a clean inbox and organized folder system every morning.
  • No complex programming, a basic set of rules and folders can be created automatically, then you can build rules at your own pace.
  • Auto-Mate rules do not interfere with standard Outlook® rules in any way. In fact they can work in conjunction with them!
  • Overcome the 32K server-based rule limit in Microsoft Exchange®.
  • Simple to install, integrated with Outlook®, and will not change your messages in any way.
  • Works with Outlook versions 2003 and 2007.

This description is not a review but information provided by the product vendor or obtained from the vendor's website.